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Application writting tips 2

বিস্তারিতঃ কম পুজিতে বেশি লাভ বলে একটা কথা আছে। এই প্রদ্ধতিটি ঠিক তেমনি। পড়ব টেকনিক্যালি কিন্তু মার্ক উঠাবো সন্মানজনক। যাইহোক
অনেক সময় দেখা যায় এক সাথে ২০ টা আবেদন পত্র মুখস্ত করতে গিয়ে কিছুই মনে রাখা যায় না।মনে রাখা সম্ভব ও না। পরে দেখা যায় আম ও যায় সাথে বস্থা ও।
এই সমস্যা সমাধানকল্পে আমার এই ক্ষুদ্র প্রয়াস। আসা করি পোস্ট টি সবাই নোট করে কিংবা টাইমলাইনে শেয়ার করে সংরক্ষণ করে রাখবে।

1. Sub; Application for setting up / Canteen / library / common room/ wash room/ chair / table/ tubewell / Science library / basically what needs in your college /--------in our college.

Dear sir
We, the student of your college beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our college is big and famous in this district. There are 1200 students read in our college. There are a lot of facilities in our college. But it is a matter of great sorrow that we do not have any --------.We are suffering much from want of we need a-----immediately.

We therefore pray and hope that would be kind enough to consider our prayer and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully
On behalf of the students of the y college/school

Sub: Application for arranging cultural function/picnic/study tour/staging drama/literary club/ in the college.

Dear Sir
We, the student of your college beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our college is big and famous in this district. There are 1200 students read in our college. Our college arrange------ every year. But it is a matter of great sorrow that our college does not arrange any------in this year. As a learned person, you know the importance of arranging -------. It will not only make us creative but also upgrade our mind. So we need permission and financial help from you to arrange it.

We therefore pray and hope that would be kind enough to consider our prayer and oblige thereby.


3.How to write application on Newspaper 

To newspaper Editor for traffic jam/ load shedding/price hike
20 August 2014
The Editor
The daily star
Karwan bazar, Dhaka

Dear Sir
I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish my following letter in your esteemed daily.

Yours faithfully


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