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Degree হল Adjective এর রূপভেদ। এটি ৩টি ভাগে বিভক্ত। যথা-
Positive DegreeComparative DegreeSuperlative Degree
Positive Degree:
কোন sentence এ Noun বা pronoun এর দোষ, গুন, অবস্থা ইত্যাদি বুঝাতে adjective এর যে রূপ ব্যবহার হয় তাকে Positive Degree বলে।
যেমন – Mr. Roni is a good man.
Comparative Degree:
সাধারণত দুটি Noun বা pronoun এর দোষ, গুন, অবস্থা ইত্যাদির তুলনা বুঝাতে adjective এর যে রূপ ব্যবহার হয় তাকে Comparative Degree বলে।
যেমন – Rahim is wiser than Karim.
Superlative Degree:
সাধারণত অনেকের মধ্যে তুলনা বুঝাতে adjective এর যে রূপ ব্যবহার হয় তাকে Superlative Degree বলে।
যেমন – Rony is the best player in the team.
Change of Degrees:
Superlative Degree into Positive Degree
Superlative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
Rule 1:
No other + প্রদত্ত Superlative এর পরের অংশ + verb + so/as + Superlative Degree এর Positive form + as + মূল sentence এর subject.
Superlative: Rony is the smallest player in the team.
Positive: No other player in the team is as small as Rony.
Superlative: Sima is the best housewife.
Positive: No other housewife is as good as Sima.
Rule 2:
all other, most other, many other, few other, very few, one of the যুক্ত Superlative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
প্রথমে very few + Superlative এর পরের অংশ + verb এর plural form + so/as + Superlative Degree এর Positive form + as + মূল sentence এর subject.
Superlative: He is one of the best players in the team.
Positive: Very few players in the team are as good as he.
Superlative: Iron is one of the most useful metals.
Positive: Very few metals are as useful as Iron.
Comparative into positive
Rule 1:
Than any other/all other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ + verb + so/as + Comparative Degree এর Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Comparative: kibria is greater than any other boy in the class.
Positive: No other boy in the class is as great as Kibria.
Comparative: Dhaka is larger than all other cities in Bangladesh.
Positive: No other cities in Bangladesh is as large as Dhaka.
Rule 2:
Than যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
Than এর পরের অংশ + verb + not + so/as + Comparative এর Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Comparative: Rony is bigger than Bony.
Positive: Bony is not as big as Rony.
Comparative: He is stronger than I.
Positive: I am not as strong as he.
Rule 3:
Than most other / than few other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
Very few + most other/few other এর পরের অংশ + verb এর plural form + so/as + Comparative এর Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.
Comparative: The gold is most useful than most other metals.
Positive: very few metals are as/so useful as gold.
Comparative: A. K. Fazlul Haque was greater than most other politicians in Bangladesh.
Positive: very few politicians in Bangladesh were as/so great as A. K. Fazlul Haque.
Rule 4:
No less/not less ……..than যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
No less/not less এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত যায়গায় as বসে এবং than এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত যায়গায় as বসে। আর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না।
Comparative: He is no less intelligent than you.
Positive: He is as intelligent as you.
Comparative: Kripa is not less clever than shipa.
Positive: Kripa is as clever as shipa.
Rule 5:
No sooner had ….than যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ
No sooner had এর পরিবর্তে as soon as + subject + verb এর পরিবর্তে past form + than এর পূর্বের অংশ + than এর পরিবর্তে কমা বসে + বাকী অংশ।
Comparative: No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.
Positive: As soon as he saw me, he ran away.


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